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Many sports have developed codes of conduct in relation to child protection, based on the principle that sports organisations have a duty of care to safeguard children. This includes taking into account the needs of disabled children and others who may be particularly vulnerable


This Club Supports and adheres to the Safeguarding Policies of the British Ten Pin Bowling Association


Additionally we have developed our own Safeguarding Policy which is regularly reviewed and updated if necessary


All of our Officials, helpers and Instructors are licenced by The BTBA and have undergone advanced Police DBS checks.


Our Safeguarding officer has taken numerous courses on Child Protection including the NSPCC


A copy of our Safeguarding Policy and Complaints Procedure is posted on the Club notice board . If any members parent/guardian wishes a PDF copy they only have to us an email or message on our FaceBook Page and we will get one sent out ASAP.  You can also find the full version here


AGYBC expects all Members & Officials to abide by the following


1.  Respect the dignity and spirit of all members  


2.  Treat all members fairly  


3.  Establish supportive, positive environments to encourage healthy competition, skill development, fun and achievement  


4.  Avoid contact or conduct that may be interpreted as having sexual connotations or which the sport defines as inappropriate  


5.  Do not take part in or tolerate behaviour that frightens, embarrasses or demoralises a member or that negatively affects their self esteem 


6.  Do not tolerate acts of aggression  


7.  Work towards eliminating harassment and abuse from sports environments  


8.  Be prepared to intervene if a child or young person under 18 is being abused or neglected 


9.  Practice fair play both during and outside of all sports activities. 'Fair play' is defined as showing considerate regard for members, officials, volunteers, parents and spectators; abiding by the rules of the sport; abiding by the officials' decisions  


10. Adhere to the rule and policies of The British Tenpin Bowling Association (BTBA)


To contact us please send an email


Or leave us a message on our FaceBook page



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